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- Hands by your sides, heels together & toes apart (musubi dachi). Eyes looking straight ahead.
- Bow with head down, as you come up, heels apart (heiko dachi).
- Draw hands up to belt height into a ready thrust position. Step into a right sanchin-dachi.
- Thrust hands straight forward, squeeze into a fist, circle up and open into sanchin arm position.
- The first single sanchin arm thrust is done with the left hand because the left foot is behind.
(look straight ahead, do not look around, don't even blink)
- Step and perform second arm thrust right, step and perform third arm thrust left, then turn (mawate) left because the left foot is behind.
- Perform 4 arm thrusts and three steps then turn (mawate) left.
- Perform 3 arm thrusts and 2 steps, after the third arm thrust you will be in a left sanchin-dachi.
- Draw both arms into ready thrusts positions at chest level and perform three double arm thrusts.
- After the third double arm thrust, hands are in a sanchin arm position, palms facing forward.
- Step off to the left because the left foot is forward, and you'll be in a left sanchin-dachi, post, perform the first of 3 circle blocks / left mawashi-uke.
- Now step off right toward the opposite direction into a right sanchin-dachi and perform the second circle block / right mawashi uke.
- Now step off left toward the front into a left sanchin-dachi and perform the thrid circle block / left mawashi uke.
(note: the triangle shape of the last three step offs)
- You are now in a left sanchin-dachi, bring your front foot back even with the right (heiko dachi) and make a fist with the right hand and cover it with the left, this is the "closed-gate" position.
- Hands by your side, heels together and bow.
- start musubi dachi hands by side.
- bow then heiko dachi and raise hands into sanchin arm positition.
- pivot right (or left) into right sanchin dachi right circle block (front foot) shoken left (rear foot).
- mawate into a left sanchin dachi.
- left circle block (front foot) shoken right (rear foot).
- step off right into a right sanchin dachi.
- right circle block (front foot) shoken left (rear foot).
- step through into a left sanchin dachi.
- left circle block (front foot) left knife edge kick.
- step through into a right sanchin dachi.
- right circle block (front foot) right knife edge kick.
- step through into left kiba dachi.
- right circle block (rear foot) left elbow strike left rieken (front foot).
- mawate right.double step right mawashi uke (front foot).
- step through into a left sanchin dachi left mawashi uke (front foot).
- step through into a right sanchin dachi right mawashi uke (front foot).
- step through into a left sanchin dachi block right (rear foot) shuto left rieken left (front foot).
- mawate right into a right sanchin dachi.
- block right (front foot) shomen geri right.
- double step right circle block (front foot) shoken left (rear foot).
- double step back into a right sanchin dachi two shokens left over right.
- heiko dachi.hands by your side musubi dachi and bow
(note: after bow start right or left)
- start musubi dachi hands by side.bow.
- heiko dachi hands to the waist.
- circle step into a right sanchin dachi (or left)
- thrust squeeze circle up and open.
- sanchin arm thrust left.both hands into ready thrust with hiraken fists.
- double step right and double hiraken strike.
- cross block right in front of left...
- then open into sanchin arm position.
- double step right sanchin dachi rieken right.
- step through into a left sanchin dachi left circle block left shomen geri.
- step through into right sanchin dachi right circle block right shomen geri.
- block left hammer fist right..
- block right palm heel left.
- block left nukite right.
- mawate left into a left sanchin dachi sanchin arm thrust right.
- double step left sanchin dachi left circle block right nukite.
- step through into a right sanchin dachi right circle block left nukite.
- step through into a left sanchin dachi left circle block right nukite.
- step off left into a left sanchin dachi.left mawashi uke.
- step off in the opposite direction into a right sanchin dachi.
- right mawashi uke.
- pivot left step through into a right sanchin dachi double hiraken strike.
- mawate left circle block left and left shomen geri.
- step through into right kiba dachi circle block left
- elbow strike right rieken shoken.
- step back into a heiko dachi hands into sanchin arm position.
- left hand down right hand up...
- hands by side musubi dachi and bow.
(note: after bow start right or left)
- start.musubi dachi hands by side.bow.
- into heiko dachi raise hands to sanchin arm positition.
- step into right sanchin dachi right hiraken block and thrust.
- step through into left sanchin dachi left hiraken block and thrust.
- step left angle into left sanchin dachi circle block left.shomen geri right.
- step opposite angle into right sanchin dachi circle block right.
- shomen geri left.
- step forward into left sanchin dachi left wrist block.
- step through into right sanchin dachi right wrist block.
- mawate left and cross block left in front of right.
- double step and double strike low.
- pull up double shokens and pivot left into left sanchin dachi.
- step through into right kiba dachi circle block left elbow right.
- step back right sanchin block right palm-heel left.
- circle block left nukite right.
- mawate left.
- circle block left shomen geri left.
- step through pivot left and double hiraken strike high.
- double wrist block low.
- right hand on top of left.
- step right tsuru dachi double high strike-grip and knee strike.
- arms in sanchin arm position.
- step through right sanchin dachi.
- post block right front and left rear groin strike.
- double groin strike front and rear.mawate left.
- post block right front and left rear groin strike.
- double groin strike front and rear.
- circle block left.pivot left.
- left sanchin dachi.
- knee strike left and reverse circle block into left neko dachi.
- hands to sanchin armposition.
- mawate right.
- right sanchin dachi.
- knee strike right and reverse circle block into right neko dachi.
- pivot left into left sanchin dachi.
- step through into right sanchin dachi and double eye strike.
- step back through a left leaning stance.
- knee strike left.
- left neko dachi and left low block.
- step through into right kiba dachi.
- circle block left elbow right.
- back to right sanchin dachi.
- circle block right shoken block left shoken right.
- step back through into left sanchin dachi and palm block right.
- step back into heiko dachi hands into sanchin arm positition.
- hands by side musubi dachi and bow.
(note: after bow start right or left)
- start musubi dachi hands by side.
- bow.
- heiko dachi hands to the waist.
- circle step into a right sanchin dachi
- thrust squeeze circle up and open
- sanchin arm thrust left.
- cirlce step into a left sanchin dachi
- sanchin arm thrust right.
- cirlce step into a right sanchin dachi.
- sanchin arm thrust left.
- both hands into ready thrust position.double step right and double
- inner ridge hands (haito).
- three palm heel strikes (shotei) starting left.
- double wrist block low.
- left hand on top of right
- step left tsuru dachi
- double high strike.grip and knee strike (hiza geri)...
- arms in sanchin arm position.
- step through left sanchin dachi.
- post block left front and right
- rear groin strike.
- double groin strike right front and left rear.
- mawate right.
- post block left front and right rear groin strike.
- double groin strike right front and left rear.
- circle block right.
- cirlce step into a left sanchin dachi.
- double groin strike left front and right rear.
- circle block left.
- circle step into a right sanchin dachi.
- double groin strike right front and left rear.
- circle block right.
- double step right and double strike low.
- pull up double shokens and pivot left into left sanchin dachi.
- circle block rear foot right.
- step into a left leaning stance (zenkutsu dachi).
- left forward upward elbow strike (hiji).
- step back into left sanchin dachi.
- circle block left palm heel right.
- circle block right knife hand left (nukite).
- pivot right.
- step into a left sanchin dachi.
- circle block right hammer fist left (tettsui).
- circle block left palm heel step back.
- right sanchin dachi.
- pivot left.
- circle block left knife hand right.
- mawate.
- circle block
- right front kick right (shomen geri).
- knee strike left to right palm heel.
- back into right sanchin dachi.
- three shokens starting left.
- sanchin arm position.
- sanchin arm thrust left.
- pivot left into left sanchin dachi.
- sanchin arm thrust right.
- mawate right into a right sanchin dachi.
- sanchin arm thrust left.
- double step right sanchin dachi.
- circle block right nukite left.
- circle step into left sanchin dachi.
- circle block left nukite right.
- circle step into right sanchin dachi.
- circle block right nukite left.
- step through into left kiba dachi.
- sanchin arm position.seisan jump back.
- jump forward into left kiba dachi circle block right elbow left rieken shoken.
- step back into a heiko dachi hands into sanchin arm position...
- right down left up...
- hands by side musubi dachi and bow.
(note: after bow start right or left)